

After a childhood coloured by music, dance and theatre, Melie trained as a singer at the EJMA-VS and then at the Montreux Jazz Conservatoire, before going on to study literature at Lausanne University. In 2007, she founded the music group Cepiia, which for over 10 years performed a pocket rock opera with French lyrics composed and performed by Melie. At the same time, she wrote for other artists and joined the theatre company De Chimères en Silènes. Always keen to develop her stage skills and deepen her body awareness, she took lessons in salsa, samba and forro, and was introduced to capoeira and yoga.

Since September 2017, she has been leading musical comedy workshops for children in Sion. The children work together to create a show that Melie writes and directs, which they present at the end of the year. In her teaching approach, she values individual skills and affinities, as well as the richness of personality that makes for the strength of the group and the unique and wonderful character of the artistic production.

Melie also offers individual singing lessons. The aim is to help students discover their voice, that fascinating instrument that is housed inside their own body and engages the whole of it when it is played. Students improve their vocal technique, and develop rhythmic awareness and interpretation, by learning a song of their choice.

Melie is currently training to become a music therapist at the Ecole romande de musicothérapie in Geneva.